Parents of adult children with a disability or adult children of an elderly parent may be concerned that their loved one is unable to handle their personal and financial affairs on their own. If a person is incapacitated, guardianship may be sought if no other...
Month: February 2019
Don’t wait until it’s too late to address elder law issues
As a person ages, their mental and physical health eventually begin to wear down. Activities that may have been easy when a person is in their 50s or 60s may become more difficult once they reach their 80s or 90s. Therefore, it is important that people in New Jersey...
Did your loved one have legal capacity to execute a care plan?
Estate planning is important for anyone in New Jersey of any age. However, for those who have Alzheimer's disease or dementia, it is important to begin estate planning as soon as possible, so they can advocate for themselves before their disease makes it impossible to...
Planning to preserve a home’s value
Asset preservation strategies and estate plans make seem similar on a superficial level. They are both things people do to preserve wealth from risk while maintaining control over assets. However, there is a fundamental difference between the two, and the legal...
How can New Jersey residents plan for end-of-life care?
Many people in New Jersey have opinions about what type of end-of-life care they'd like to receive. It is not always a pleasant topic to contemplate but it is one a person may feel strongly about. They can take steps to ensure their wishes are followed with regards to...